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For each of the following solve the indefinite integral, describe your technique, then write two more integrals which would use the same technique to solve. \begin{alignat*}{2} &a)    \int{\frac{1 }{ \sqrt {2x+1}}  \sin {( \sqrt {2x+1} )}} &              &b)    \int {( \sqrt {\tan x} + ( \tan x )^\frac{1 }{ 3} )   \sec^2 x} \\ &c)    \int {\cos^2 {4x}} &              &d)   \int {x^{-\frac{2}{ 3}}\cos {x^\frac{1}{ 3}} ( 1+ \sin^2 {x^\frac{1 }{ 3}} )} \\ &e)   \int \frac{( \tan^\frac{1}{ 3} {\sqrt x} ) ( 1+\tan^2 {\sqrt x}) }{\sqrt x} &              &f)   \int {( 1 - \cos^2 x )^{-1}} \\ \end{alignat*}

Tags: integration, u-substitution, trig, composite, root, computation, a--a, t1, c1
It is a powerful device to have students describe techniques and create examples that utilize them. When they create examples of this kind, they start seeing where they may have some misconceptions about how the technique works.

James Epperson 1998-08-09