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Which of the graphs below could correspond to the following functions? {Match them.}
\begin{alignat*}{4} &a)   \text{odd power function}\hphantom{\text{log x}} &             &b)   \text{ even power function} &             &c)   \text{a quadratic}\\ &d)   \log x &             &e)   \text{a 4th degree polynomial} &             &f)   b^x \\ &g)   \sin x &             &h)   (\frac{1}{ 2})^x &             &i)   \text{absolute value} \end{alignat*}

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Tags: graphing-intro, linear, quadratic, cubic, higher-polynomial, exp, log, trig, absolute-value, illustrative-example, rote-problem, v--g, a--g, g--a, t2, c1
This is nice problem to give students since it allows students to see multiple representations of a given function.

Darrin Visarraga 1998-08-09

This an automaticity exercise. I wanted students to start visualizing the “shape” of common functions so they develop intuition when they graph more complicated functions later in the semester. It doesn’t take them much time to do this problem, but I always ask them additional questions about why they made their choices.

James Epperson 1998-08-09