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Tutoring and Other Support

What special support is there for Math 59 students?

Here is a word from Tony Johnson, ILP Program Director:

Welcome back for a new and challenging semester. Once again we would like to ask you for your cooperation and assistance in completing progress reports for your ILP students who may need some extra attention. We would like to receive the progress reports as soon as possible. The sooner we address our students needs the better their chances for success.

We are in the process of welcoming back or tutors and finalizing their schedules for this semester. If you are interested in having an in class tutor please let us know and we will attempt to assign a tutor to your class to assist you at least once a week. If you would like special arrangement as far as in class tutoring times or hours available per week please inform me as soon as possible.

We will contact you to arrange a short visit to your class from one of our representatives or me to inform your student’s about the importance of your class, EO 665, and the tutoring services available to them. If you have any questions please give us a call at X82407, e-mail us at tjohnson@sfsu.edu , or visit our office we are located in HSS 340.

Are there resources for Math 60 and 70 students having trouble that are like the ILP support for Math 59?

YES! As discussed above, Tony Johnson of ILP has offered additional support with at-risk students. He follows up with students and arranges tutoring and other services. Previously, this service was mandatory for Math 59 students. David Bao has requested and ILP has agreed this semester to offer this service across all our remedial classes: 59, 60 and 70.

Thus, we are asking the following from all instructors of those classes:

IF you have students who

  • have attendance issues (say, they miss two classes in two weeks) or
  • performance issues (miss any homeworks, or do poorly on a quiz),


  • Please send the names of the students to Tony with any contact information you have for them. This is not going to get them in trouble. This is opening a door to an existing package of support for them.
  • Give the students a heads-up that they’ll be contacted by the ILP office. Tell them that everyone wants the students to pass the class, and that’s why this backup system is in place. If students are very resistant, tell them that this campus unit is also in charge of giving students waivers to use summer session as part of a student’s “first year” to pass the remediation requirement, so they really need to cooperate with them.

To encourage this process, we will check in with everyone during Week 4, 8 and 12 and ask for you to update me about students that should be on our watch list.

What tutoring services are there on campus?

CARP and LAC provide free tutoring for students. You can see all the details and contact information on their web sites.